Photo credit: Unsplash.com

To begin today's discussion I will like to establish the fact that foundation is key to any growth, enlargement or beautification in life and destiny which is why we are discussing this vital topic throughout this week as it concerns the development of your life from the beginning and the main life (The youthful time) and then at old age.

When a lad or damsel have a solid foundation, there is a full assurance of a balanced destination.

Therefore, we are encouraging you all to plant a good seed as whatever you want for life is the exact thing you will have in return.

Furthermore, you might be in a category of people asking the following; How well can I describe my growth traceable to foundation? What rate is my foundation before reading this article? Why do I need a solid foundation for my destiny?

Teenagers and youths, must understand that no matter how your background has been there is a way to set your grounds right and all that concerns you will automatically be elevated to that desired position or state in life and destiny.

This can be done by the type of seeds you sow periodically and when it is sown on a fertile land then it will yield her increase in due season.

Start setting things right and your future will certainly appreciate you when you are old, a lot of young people don't plan for their old age and when they become old they will realize life with energy had been wasted on trivialities while they were young.

Finally, we want you to understand foundation as it is very vital and key to human existence and prominence too. There are some people who just exist without making any impact in the area or field they belong to, but you can go beyond that as you just need to make adjustments and adoption of the new life for the betterment of your life and destiny.

NOTE: Everything is possible, if you first believe you can. Set your foundation right again by adopting the God-factor and take action steps to get them improved upon.







