Foundation is key to the definition of a man or his or her existence, this is why it must be taken with all form of seriousness, your foundation may be faulty but it is subject to renovation.

My foundation & Future: TeensDiary

It is defined as a beginning of an existing or the chronicles/origin of a particular place, people, things and society. You must understand who you are in order to breakthrough and take your possession in the pursuit of your life's assignment.

The foundation of any thing or man in life is a determinant of how structured and strong the future holds for that thing or person.

If you have a faulty foundation IT CAN BE CORRECTED and if you think what you are currently facing is new then try study the HISTORY of great men and women like Pastor E.A Adeboye, Bishop David Oyedepo, Dr Paul Enenche, Bill Gate, Pastor Paul Youngi Cho, Mark Zurkeberg and the likes of others you will discover that most of them had a rough and tough foundation but they on their own volition decided a CHANGE OF FOUNDATIONAL TRACE and today you can hear about them in one case or the other.

You too can be a better person to reckon with in your generation just begin to set things right again and very soon you will be dazed with how you shall be acknowledged in your place of assignment on Earth.






