Karl-jk, Photo Credit: Unsplash

I heard a very interesting story about a village where almost everybody in the village is poor and amongst them only one man who is very wealthy, so the villagers, elders and elites out of jealousy reported to the king that the rich man is using their star to shine also that he manipulate them to be poor so that only him can be rich in the village.

The king summoned this wealthy man after series of questioning and investigations the king who wasn't so satisfied with his findings then asked the wealthy man to distribute his wealth and properties to all the men in the village.

This very decision was a difficult one to obey but he obeyed and shared all he had made with the men in the village as instructed.

The men gladly received their own share one by one but in all of these they all spent the money and fortune recklessly.

Few years later they all became very poor even more than where they were before, as some saw it as an opportunity to marry more wives, buy more balm wine and other unnecessary belongings.

On the other hand, the wealthy man became even more richer and better in wealth and abundance too.

Furthermore, your background should not set you at the back because when you have a right standing or a solid foundation then your income is inconsequential. No matter how much given to a poor mind it cannot be rich and until the mind is renovated there can't be any shift of level in any dimension.

To become an invaluable asset and not a liability to your generation, there must be a renewing of the mind on a daily basis thereby, making your contributions to humanity a plus and a solution to current challenges faced by that community you belong to will definitely effect and correct your foundational stand in life and destiny.

Your foundation can be valued or used to illustrate the tenacity of consistency, focus and ability never to give up on your dreams.

A writer once said; "winners don't quit only losers does" so, make sure you don't end up a mockery to your generation.

You can set things right again no matter how baaad it had been, things can change for it is ONLY CHANGE THAT IS CONSTANT IN LIFE.







