Photo By: Bernardon unsplash.com

I will like to start with a very interesting story I read about from a book; a very wealthy man who wants to embark on a journey, called all his children and servants then told them about his trip to a place where he does not know when he may return, so he gave his children different assignment which connote your talents.

He also gave other assignment to his servants telling them to stand firm ensuring they carry out their functions judiciously. 

As time passes, the whole children abandoned all the assignment given to them by their father and then always wants the servants doing almost all house chores including their own personal assignment. It has been years their father travelled so some servants concluded their boss had died so they left the house, but only one remain back doing his work diligently and faithfully. 

One day, the master arrived and discovered most assignments were not been carried out, so he decided to honour anyone who obeyed his instructions and found none of his children but his one remaining servant, so he blessed and honour him by giving him a kingdom to rule over and lots of treasures too. 

To his children he said, don't despise any information or instruction given to you by an elder or leader in any field as they can be a ground for thy liftings in life and destiny. So, he asked that each of them needs to work on their mind as it concerns the functionality of life and skills development. 

MORAL REWARD: The story above taught that diligency, faithfulness and perseverance is key to rewards no matter how long it may take so long it is producing positive results don't give up and stay focused on the very assignment given to you which is your skills of talents. 

Furthermore, there is only one thing that makes a man an invaluable person to his or her family, society and world at large. This is rated the best solution that must be provided, for the benefit of others and reducing stress or tension for being in existence or in the very locality where you resides.

As young people, you must develop yourselves daily in such a way whereby everyone who hears your name knows what you STAND FOR and the BRAND YOU represent per time. Build your brand to solve societal challenge and only then will your provision come.

Finally, you have a major role to play as regarding diligency, faithfulness and perseverance in the discharge of your skills or career functions. Your life should be an epitome of emulation by the way you do things creatively not minding whether others are not in same page with you, so long you are doing the right thing keep at it. Your value comes at the place of your diligence, commitments, perseverance and discipline respectfully. 







