Photo By: Romain

Your thoughts have a way of making you travel beyond boarders when it is positively placed and carried out to create a lasting solution in the society you find yourself in.

The creative mindset is a possibility when all you associate with is in a similar vehicle of idea, thoughts and mission with you thereby having the zest to pushing the realities of your vision into manifestation.

Furthermore, wisdom demands that; you flow or mingle with those who have similar aspirations with you, not those who will drag you down in different realms.

You can do it, just think about it deeply and the solution will emerge for you and your entire generation. 


There are three major reasons why young people especially in our generation are deprived some key positions and accomplishments. Below are the highlights of the said challenge.

1. LACK OF FORESIGHT: We recently carried out a research which concerns the level of intellectual and skillful youth personality, as we proceeded it was discovered that in the early 90s there are lots of scholars produced in different areas which came as a result of the consistent research and training centres available then. 

In our time, research is not just available but at our finger tips, using computers, smart phones and the internet made things more easy to sort for but instead of improving we became too familiar and eventually invite distraction. 

This can be evenly seen by the numbers of those who comes online to chat thereby wasting precious time and money on trivialities also we have those who ensure their impact is evidential, therefore instead of chatting on the internet they make good use of the advantage by making profitable research on how to improve whatever they know previously and to get the market place to sell the idea. Teenagers and youths of our time, needs to activate a foresight mentality in order to become a solution not a liability.

2. DISTRACTION: Until a youth take a decision not to be distracted come what may in the pursuit of a career, skill or profession he or she may loose the route to destiny fulfilment. The firm decision to discipline one's self is very crucial to the actualization of a great future which many young people don't see today.

Spending time with the wrong people or materials will not improve a man, not even when he or she knows what to do at the right time, place but using the wrong tools or people will only create more damages except for the Intervention of God. 

In this present dispensation, there are lots of distractions which can be avoided if you determine to to stay focused on your pursuit and goals per time. It is very possible.

3. KEEPING THE WRONG ASSOCIATES: A wise man said "_friENDS are the leading vehicle which accompanies a person from one level, place and achievement to a specific END or destination_". Friendship should be a choice not by force or coersion, this means that when a youth keeps the wrong friends ideologies and great inventions becomes far from their thoughts, as the Holy Bible says iron sharpens another.....(paraphrased). You must know that our minds travels in the direction of what we hear, think and see per time. 

In conclusion, if we must become innovative, then our minds needs to be renovated for the avoidance of possible distraction and make profitable study of the future you desire to be in that particular area of expertise you are currently in. We believed your mindset for productive thinking is activated by the study of the above content and your time online was not wasted. This information is free but all rights are reserved.









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Unknown said…
Great words.....Themotivator