There is an inborn star and greatness in everyone on the earth, only those who identified their own right path have a profitable voyage or adventure in life and destiny. 

Make up your mind to have a living , workable VISION that is devoid of any obstruction and devaluation. Stay at whatever you love doing which is profiting and impactful, when happiness is derived from it.

To exist without a vision is to end up in penury in one's latter days, so to escape this unforeseen mystery about life, you need to make a DECISION to work out the modalities to have the most Valued "R" of life which is in two folds REGRET and REJOICE, to have the latter is to have something workable and palpable enough to effect positive solutions in your environment. 

Therefore, in order to fully benefit from the vision God gave you, there is need to make out time to improve on this vision you have so that it can remain updated not outdated. Be sure that your vision is not an archaic one, build yourself around it, make research and then use every relevant knowledge to improve the said vision in you.

make something NEW to happen, don't always depend on the existing things only; create yours now. This is the power of VISION. 

NOTE: Vision is a propeller of an inherent ability of greatness in a man or woman and until you set out for it, it can not be a reality. So, start something new that is not too popular but solves a problem, very soon it will be popular through your commitment at it.

"Live Your Best"

THE MERIDIAN TEENS CONCEPT (TMTC): Discovering the value in every Child, Teenager and Youth makes a better world. Knowledge is the POWER for Showledge.








