Photo by hunterrace on unsplashed
Photo by hunter race on unsplashedThe Visionary


An old man in his last days on earth, called his two grown sons and asked both a question; what are you living for and to whom will your footprints affect when you are no more? 

The question above kept the two men thinking as both had been dependent on their father's investments meanwhile both of them have unique potentials which had been discovered by their father except them.

Three days after, their father gave up on earth to a land where they wouldn't have him anymore, before his death he gave each of them a note with an inscription "OPEN AFTER DEATH" on reading this both were surprised until the third day when he finally died.

They both opened it, to discover the observation of their father each about them and the need to support themselves with their own vision not just running with another man's vision.

The above story gave birth to this content today for youths and everyone who desire the ability to discover hidden treasures inside them. We believe this writings will bring many into discovering who they are and how to put it to work.


Vision according to Taiwo Tewe THEmotivator, is defined as the ability to identify, realize and put to fruition the unique value for a particular potential or dreams which is innovatively and creatively desired for future achievement geared towards generational impact not just the income only.

Vision is the virtue that commands fortune, a man with a VISION gets result from the vision he has. The help you are looking for is in your vision, NOTE THIS; your life should be centred on what you have in stock for your generation as a solution to a particular challenge or problem. 

Make yourself available and useful in order for your generation to feel your maximum impart. A man of vision knows what to do, how to do and where to get it done with the right people and machineries in place, therefore get yours activated today. 

Surely, you can if you believe in what is deep inside of you.

Spark up that thing you know how to do better and create a notch for yourself from it maybe it is a way of telling you something close to your vision. 

Furthermore, many times vision is not far from what you already love doing, just that we have many people who tends to follow others vision rather than pursuing theirs to the latter.

As a teenager and viable youth, make sure that very thing you love is converted into a functional, innovations geared towards an impactful realities deep within you.

NOTE: Vision is a propeller of an inherent ability or greatness in a man or woman and until you to set out for it, it can not be a reality. So, start something new that is not too popular but solves a problem, very soon it will be popular through your commitment at it. (To be continued tomorrow)

"Live Your Best"

THE MERIDIAN TEENS CONCEPT (TMTC): Discovering the value in every Child, Teenager and Youth makes a better world. Knowledge is the POWER for Showledge. 








