When a man or woman lack the right information and tools to discharge a particular duty, he or she will struggle to get it done which may later result to fatigue or complete desertion of the duty.

If you must be brave then, you must filter the types of information you allow into your life and destiny too, little wonder did the Bible says "......out of the abundance of heart the mouth speaks......."

It is what you pay attention to that you will be attracted to. More so, engage yourself in learning new things that is an aspect of your skills or profession.

To be brave is not being froward or disrespectful to elders, it is doing the right thing with the right strength applied in the right place, time and with the right people not leaving the right knowledge aside. *The wise, will get more tactics to be courageous especially in trying times.* (Luke 6:45; Psalms 49:3)








