Photo Credit: Daniel Minárik Unsplash

A very touching story of a man who intended to pass the knowledge he had to his only begotten son, who in turn does want to listen to his father.

His father didn't study his kind of person so any time he wants to impart on the type of knowledge he had the boy sees it as a force, which means he is being unduly influenced to hear whatever he had to say but was not actually listening nor following all the dad is teaching him. 

The trend continued, until the father consulted us and we gave him our first therapy to study his child and then change method of training. He did and things drastically changed to his favour and the benefit of his  son. Today, his son had taken over his father's business, which was the pray answered for the father barely two of massive Impartation in the right direction and moves.

No matter how knowledgeable you are there is room to learn more everyday which means, no one knows it all on the earth but the application of the right knowledge at the right time, place and people too counts so much.

Therefore, It is what you know; that will give you bliss or unending Joy.

This is why, the TMTCteam project is to impact lives irrespective of the colour, race, tribe or differences. 

As a youth consultant over the years, we have consistently given the young people the campaign that they can be better again, even being the best; without soiling their hands.

Yes, you too can have satisfaction if what you know is right and the style at which you apply the knowledge to solving a problem in your community. 

Finally, make sure you don't impose yourself on others rather understand their person so you can easily safe energy for other vital matter. You will make more impact when you understand your place and follow it squarely and being committed at the place of discharging your duties.


1.  Help others to learn not just with your regular way of teaching experience but learn understudy the very person or people you are about to teach or train. 

2. Study books that talks about different personalities and habits towards learning e.g 10 Principles of a leader by Bill Newman

3. Be flexible enough to learn from anyone. Start working on yourself now.

Thanks for your visit, please drop your comments and suggestions so we can do better for you. 








