Jazmin: Photo Credit by unsplash

There are things in life wisdom demands that you work out by yourself and in your environment there should be a sense of knowledge from your words, actions, attitude and dress patterns especially to the other person who looks up to you in one way or the other, it maybe your younger ones, neighbours and members of same church or society.

Foundation is the basis which determines heights, length, size and width of a particular person, so the deeper your foundation the better the height and size you will become in life and destiny.


A. LOCATE THE FUTURE YOU WANT TODAY: We made research and discovered that whatever a man wants is possible, only that many don't know how to locate their right allocation and in the quest of finding footings they loose value. Therefore, if your future must be great then you must find it out now.

B. GETTING THE RIGHT MATERIALS: As a young person never make the mistake of choosing the wrong material for the right assignment in your life, because there is never a time the wrong route takes one to his or her destination e.g you are to travel to Australia by flight and at the airport you now boarded the flight going to Argentina. Do you think there will be fulfilment at the discovery of the wrong flight...? So, it is expedient to get the right material that suits your destination.

C. STUDY AROUND YOUR FUTURE ASPIRATIONS: The Holy Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV

_"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."_ so, in order to be approved for that desired future study books, people, places and everything in that field.

Your foundation begins to show up, when you are set to effect wise dealings always time. A wise man cannot end in shame in life and destiny so long his or her root is found in Christ.

Therefore, as teenagers and youths you must ensure you are in perfect relationship with the giver of wisdom (Yahweh).

Finally, being wise is not just knowing what to do and say but having the right knowledge to apply on everything you do and say in the journey of life.







