Courtesy: TeensDiary

Your foundation could be laid right again so long you yourself is ready to effect change in your life and destiny.

Many times, we embarrass our future with the way we behave in the present without us knowing we are harming the future.

For instance; a student who is busy with clubs, parties and fun fare will soon realize that education is all encompassing but you must focus one before another if not the end maybe disastrous i.e having carry over courses, you must THINK DEEPLY TODAY AS REGARDING YOUR ACTIONS DAILY WHETHER IT WILL LEAD YOU RIGHT OR WRONG.

Furthermore, your future is in your hands now, so treat her well so you would not end in regret as your fore fathers could not attain very much; you should dare to be different because what you know currently they don't and if they did not then, it means your life should be better irrespective of your background or lineage.

Finally, untill you make up your mind there is no way you can be get things the right way, your foundation should be a level ground where possibilities is organized and passed to the next generation. As we continue with this discussions this week, also understand that you can set things right again for the betterment of your life and destiny. "Yes You CAN".







