It is our pleasure to welcome you all to a bright week full of Hope and aspirations.

TMTCteam employs all her followers to read this week's publications as it is centred on every age particularly at this present times where our fate is tasked*, your bravety activates uncommon victories knowingly and unknowingly too.

For instance, the lion is not the strongest animal in the forest but the bravest and this is why his strength has been acknowledged, but the difference is the braveness and the cowardice nature of the animals which ought to be recognized also.

This means that, as humans we must live our life's full potentials by doing all that God expects from us; by being courageous, having strong faith not to give up so cheaply and the need to spread confidence instead of fear.

Finally, if you must get life's prominence and success there must be a role of you being brave before your leaders, colleagues and dependents respectfully. (Mark 6:50; John 16:33; Joshua 1:9)

