Photo By: TeensDiary TMTCteam

For a plant to grow into maturity without being small or less valued it has to go down the ground and be subjected to decay and termites devouring it for a fresh start of growth which is greatly determined by the very type or size planted. 

The root of the plant would not be connected to new one except it first withers and then make new root that will connect to the new earth when it is transplanted.

For instance; A farmer has to plant the very best in order to harvest the best as well, so is the journey of life. If you must succeed in life and destiny, you must identify your true personality and work daily on how to improve on that particular thing(s) that generate income for you. 


A. Can a man or woman fake his or her breathe for 2hours? 

Answer: No

B. Does a wealthy man sleeps per night in all the rooms same time in his mansion?

Answer: No

C. Can a person walk and be inside a car at the same time.

Answer: No

Therefore, if the above questions are impossible then, it is evidential that your character or identity be properly checked and double checked before embarking on any creative adventure in the pursuit of destiny and life's assignment.

NOTE: If your answer is similar to mine, then it means you just have to be your self without faking to be who you are not. This life is big and deep too even more spiritual than the physical.

In conclusion, let your identity portray the very person you admire to be like the most, then creatively make your active in order positively impact your generation.


1. Make sure you are planted on the right side of life by identifying your TRUE PERSONALITY.

2. Active a character devoid of any form of PRETENCE and be fare to yourself and environment too.

3. Guard the things you allow into your life i.e things you study, people you relate with and how you think. 







