On earth what distinguishes a man is the type of VISION he or she carries, even a man without vision will be used by those who has it.

Make up your mind from today to have something substantial enough to solve a particular problem in your locality and very soon you will have abundance. Let your own vision scare you and always set targeted goals to achieving them bit by bit. 

Those without VISION are slaves to those with vision, as they are the master of what they had envisioned years back. 

You too CAN own a vision that will make an impact in your generation. Just write it down and make it plain upon tables that readeth it. 

Be wise, so you can arise.

It is your work that determines your worth, when you are idle then nothing can be traceable to you other than poverty and stressful living but a man or woman who is ready to work out a FUTURE will begin to PICTURE it now as he or she will VENTURE into things or skills that will bring all these ASPIRATIONS to reality. 

Have a set goals for yourself and try to achieve them on a set date. Furthermore, any man or woman who intends to be at the top of his or her career, profession, businesses and ministry must set out a working vision for himself and workers also thereby imparting them with the same vibrancy wired into others at the place of making the Vision you received sellable and marketable.

Finally, get yourself a vision that will make others happy, smiling and satisfied with the service or skills you offer not what will bring regret later. When you have this knowledge you become very conscious of how you live life per time.

NOTE: Vision is a propeller of an inherent ability or greatness in a man or woman and until you to set out for it, it can not be a reality. So, start something new that is not too popular but solves a problem, very soon it will be popular through your commitment at it.

"Live Your Best"

THE MERIDIAN TEENS CONCEPT (TMTC): Discovering the value in every Child, Teenager and Youth makes a better world. Knowledge is the POWER for Showledge.









